In these times of media power, information war and bigger than life entertainment, let me introduce the Hoax Master not to say the Inventor of media manipulation, Joey Skaggs. He describes himself as a "media satirist" but also a storyteller, myth-maker, skeptic, philosopher, writer, performer, and, of course, artist. He's been using all the major worldwide medias (from CNN to BBC trough the Washington Post, just to name a few) with some hilarious and controversial hoax projects such as: The Cathouse for Dogs, The Celebrity Sperm Bank, Portofess, The Solomon Project, The Fat Squad, Sexonix, Hair Today, Ltd., and Metamorphosis - The Cockroach Vitamin Pils, etc... and believe me, he's good at it. As an introduction, have a look at this documentary on his achievements. Then have a closer look at his personal site for further information.
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